Top-level fitting functionsMain clustering function |
Model based hierarchical clustering |
Generic methods to explore a fitDescription of methods to extract coefficients and cut/plot a hierachical model fit. |
Method to extract the clustering results from an |
Generic method to extract the ICL value from an |
Generic method to get the number of clusters from an |
Generic method to extract the prior used to fit |
Extract parameters from an |
Show an IclPath object |
Generic method to cut a path solution to a desired number of cluster |
Plot an |
Extract a part of a |
Fitting algorithms classesDescription of classes that describe the possible fitting algorithms. |
Abstract optimization algorithm class |
Hybrid optimization algorithm |
Greedy algorithm with multiple start class |
Genetic optimization algorithm |
Greedy algorithm with seeded initialization |
Supported generative modelsDescription of classes that corresponds to the different type of generative models that greed may use. |
Stochastic Block Model Prior class |
Degree Corrected Stochastic Block Model Prior class |
Multinomial Stochastic Block Model Prior class |
Latent Class Analysis Model Prior class |
Mixture of Multinomial Model Prior description class |
Gaussian Mixture Model Prior description class |
Diagonal Gaussian Mixture Model Prior description class |
Multivariate mixture of regression Prior model description class |
Degree Corrected Latent Block Model for bipartite graph class |
Combined Models classes |
Abstract class to represent a generative model for clustering |
Abstract class to represent a generative model for co-clustering |
Models fit classesDescription of classes that describe a model fit. |
Abstract class to represent a clustering result |
Abstract class to represent a hierarchical clustering result |
Stochastic Block Model fit results class |
Degree Corrected Stochastic Block Model fit results class |
Multinomial Stochastic Block Model fit results class |
Latent Class Analysis fit results class |
Mixture of Multinomial fit results class |
Gaussian mixture model fit results class |
Diagonal Gaussian mixture model fit results class |
Clustering with a multivariate mixture of regression model fit results class |
Degree corrected Latent Block Model fit results class |
Combined Models fit results class |
Hierarchical models fit classesDescription of classes that describe a hierachical model fit. |
Stochastic Block Model hierarchical fit results class |
Degree Corrected Stochastic Block Model hierarchical fit results class |
Multinomial Stochastic Block Model hierarchical fit results class |
Latent Class Analysis hierarchical fit results class |
Mixture of Multinomial hierarchical fit results class |
Gaussian mixture model hierarchical fit results class |
Diagonal Gaussian mixture model hierarchical fit results class |
Multivariate mixture of regression model hierarchical fit results class |
Degree corrected Latent Block Model hierarchical fit results class |
Combined Models hierarchical fit results class |
Methods to explore a hierarchical fitDescription of methods to extract coefficients and cut/plot a hierachical model fit. |
Make a matrix of plots with a given data and gmm fitted parameters |
Extract parameters from an |
Extract parameters from an |
Extract mixture parameters from |
Extract mixture parameters from |
Extract parameters from an |
Extract parameters from an |
Extract parameters from an |
Extract mixture parameters from |
Extract parameters from an |
Extract parameters from an |
Method to cut a DcLbmPath solution to a desired number of cluster |
Generic method to cut a path solution to a desired number of cluster |
Plot a |
Plot a |
Plot a |
Plot a |
Plot a |
Plot an |
Plot a |
Plot a |
Plot a |
Plot a |
Misc toolsMiscaelenous utility functions. |
Compute the normalized mutual information of two discrete samples |
Compute the entropy of a discrete sample |
Compute the mutual information of two discrete samples |
Regularized spectral clustering |
Convert a binary adjacency matrix with missing value to a cube |
Display the list of every currently available DLVM |
Display the list of every currently available optimization algorithm |
Data generation functionFunctions to generate data from a specified generative model. |
Generate a graph adjacency matrix using a Stochastic Block Model |
Generates graph adjacency matrix using a degree corrected SBM |
Generate a graph adjacency matrix using a Stochastic Block Model |
Generate data using a Multinomial Mixture |
Generate data from a mixture of regression model |
Generate a data matrix using a Latent Block Model |
Generate data from lca model |
Data sets |
Books about US politics network dataset |
American College football network dataset |
Jazz musicians network dataset |
Fashion mnist dataset |
Mushroom data |
Fifa data |
Ndrangheta mafia covert network dataset |
Young People survey data |
NewGuinea data |
SevenGraders data |